Practitioner Profile

Trish Kling

Member since 2 years ago

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I started my journey of consciousness in the year 2000 when I had a miracle healing. I had a 20yr health problem which caused me to live in pain, take medication every day & limited my life. Then I had a visitation from Jesus – not a vision but as clear as an everyday appearance. This beautiful Being of Light told me all would be okay and that was it – 20 years of pain gone, medication out the window & this led me to quit my job & start my own practice in Energy Healing & intuitive Counselling.

I was then led to Reiki & I am a Reiki Master & really enjoy teaching this beautiful gentle way of healing.

My journey led me to discovering Qi Gong which is the most beautiful practice for health & healing & moving & clearing Qi. I found my way to a Qi Gong Master in America who trained me & this simple practice has so many benefits from curing serious physical diseases to mental depression & anxiety. It is a complete holistic approach to getting into the flow of life & to live balanced in mind, body & spirit plus it is such a beautiful, calm, flowing , easy practice. It’s about internal power not external force & I have had the privilege of seeing people recover from autoimmune diseases with constant & committed practice.

I am a Soma Breath Advanced instructor & Transformational Coach. This breathwork is the missing piece of the puzzle for me
The motto of Soma Breath is “I Love My Life” & it certainly is the perfect mantra.
To fall in love with one’s own life is the holy grail.

Soma Breath has so many benefits & for me the ones I love the most are it brings the central nervous system (which is the cause of most problems) from sympathetic to parasympathetic. This breath work activates the brain & releases oxytocin, serotonin & dopamine – the feel good hormones. It brings heart, mind & body into coherence so you never have to look outside of yourself for anything. With longer periods of breath work it allows stem cells to regenerate which is cutting edge in science. It is where science & spirituality meet. A deep re-programming of the sub conscious takes place during the breath retention phase (kavala kumbhaka) when the brain is susceptible to positive affirmations & so re-wiring & upgrading the brain.

I am certified in EFT – “tapping” which is the quickest technique (in my opinion) to release trauma that is stored in the body & getting deep into the sub conscious to change programming, conditioning & limiting beliefs.

I hold both private & group healings with sound vibration which includes singing bowls, healing pipes, guided meditation & some breathwork.

I love to teach & hold a “Living Consciously” Group which has been running for over 6 years with both founder members & new people joining in & so the group continues to grow. These monthly groups include a teaching & a meditation to ground the teaching of the month.
It is like a tool box to help master your life & to stay connected to All That Is & to stay committed to living a conscious life.

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